Manheim Tucson

Laser Appraiser Auction Run Lists and Vehicle Pricing Data for Manheim Tucson

    Car Appraisal Tools

    VIN Scanner

    The fastest, most reliable barcode and text VIN Scanner for Android and iPhone

    Cross Platform

    Mobile | Desktop | Tablet

    Cross-platform booking, sourcing, management, and retailing

    Book Values

    Seamless connectivity to Kelley Blue Book, J.D. Power, Manheim, Black Book, Galves, and others for single tool integration

    Trim Level Decoding

    Car value comparisons with like year, make, model, AND trims for a more accurate Retail Market View

    Vehicle History Reports

    Free CARFAX integration... Free AutoCheck integration... access to the industry's most reliable and accurate vehicle history reports

    Auto Auction Run Lists

    Direct access to the most online and in-lane auto auction run lists, market pricing guides, and post-sale auction reports

    Auto Appraisal Sharing

    Simple sharing of your market-driven vehicle valuations and appraisals across platforms, devices, and users

    Multi-User Accounts

    Corporate, dealer, and store-level access for deeper sales management oversight

    Trending Sales Analytics

    Market intelligence and trends using inventory and sales data gathered from over 53,000 automotive dealers to help you view your market like a car shopper

    Laser Appraiser Auto Valuation, Vehicle History, and
    Wholesale Car Auction Partners

    Navigate run lists, build appraisals, track inventory, and much more with resources from leading automotive auctions and industry knowledge providers. In-lane and online auction run lists and data partner calculations are built right into the Laser Appraiser Dealer Studio dealership management software. Laser Appraiser combines everything you need to manage your dealership’s inventory in an easy-to-use car appraisal tool for mobile devices and desktops.