Purchasing a car can be a major life decision – when buying a car, consumers are making a commitment that this vehicle is the right fit for their lifestyle for the years to come. It
A dealership’s goal should be for at least half of the cars to be sold within 30 days of arriving on the lot.c However, the average investment in a used vehicle dealer’s lot has gone
Consumers want to be sure that they are getting the most out of their hard-earned money – and a car is one of the biggest buying decisions to be made. However, there are many differing
The nature of car sales can be a tricky thing – we all know the stereotype of the “used car salesman” who is trying to rip you off. However, those of us who work in
In today’s economy, consumers spend much of their time looking for cars online, and for good reason – the Internet offers seemingly limitless car choices with a magnitude of vehicle options that clients love at